Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Stop whining.

take a human and place upon a pedestal
offer obscene amounts of money in exchange for dignity-
the ultimate gameshow.
How much is your privacy worth to you?
How much is your life worth to you?
humiliate and violate
the depraved strip you: nude.
you've got a 6 figure bank account
and that's all that counts
these parasites have the right to intrude into your life
that was part of the deal when you signed to make yourself a product

Our culture is structured in such a way that we obtain gratification directly from the exploitation of human beings. Their lives are down-trodden and stripped of sacredness so that we have hair salon gossip and can play Peeping Tom without being arrested.
Yet willing participants are not difficult to come by- in fact they arrive in hordes at the auditions of reality TV shows, desperately clawing for their 15 minutes and discarding any shred of dignity in the process. Society is taught to feel no moral obligations towards these "celebrities". They are pictures, characters, mannequins, icons, products- not human beings. In the same way, the effigies of animals or those god-damn Iraqis are distorted as to suppress any feeling of guilt for us when we eat them or shoot them.



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