Wednesday, May 24, 2006


State Run began in September 2003 with four 14 year old kids practicing and writing songs in a house in Porthcawl, South Wales. It was four months before the band recorded their first demo of six songs.

They played their first show in March 2004. Several gigs later the band recorded another batch of songs, including a reworking of one from the first demo. The end-result was poor and they were never released, other than spending a month or so as downloadable mp3 files from the website.

Meanwhile, discontent with the current setup in Porthcawl, the band took it upon themselves to organise local hardcore/punk shows under the guise of 'There's Still Hope'- a nod to the idea of there being the potential to create something exhilarating whilst positive.

At some point amongst this time State Run recorded 3 songs in Bridgend College, with view to self release the tracks on CD-r. All the instruments were recorded, but the band were told the masters would take some time. In fact, the band has never heard the complete set of masters of these songs. With the growing realization that they may never be completed, a recording session with Jon's 8-track produced three new songs (all different to those recorded in the college), which were never released properly, but instead existed only as mp3s.

In November 2005, Noel and Jon also managed to produce their first zine- entitled 'Like Hell'. It was written and printed in the space of about one week (the driving force being the ambition to sell it at a gig being put on at the end of the week). It was short and messy (24 pages of A6) but was used as a soapbox for Noel and Jon to express their feelings and aspirations for a better future. Only about 30 were ever printed and they've all gone.

It was not until 2 years after the completion of the first demo that the band released their first 7" on Rat Patrol Records.

State Run is:

Noel- vocals, guitar

Nick- guitar

Jon- bass

Tom- drums

A large version of the logo is available here: 970Kb

And a large version of the text from the logo is available here: 176Kb

c/o jonmohajer1 [at]


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